Learn Italian (Italiano)
Italian is considered one of the easiest languages to learn. Many students have been able to master it in a short period of time!
Italian is an important language since it's the official language of Italy and San Marino, as well as Switzerland because it's spoken in Ticino and Grigioni cantons. It is also widely known and taught in Monaco and Malta. It is widely used also in France (Corsica and Nice), Croazia and Albania.
Italian is also spoken in parts of Africa that were formerly under Italian rule such as Ethiopia, Somalia, Libya and Eritrea.
Italian is often described both as the language of art and music and as the language best suited for singing. Since the Renaissance, Italian's general cultural importance has been considerable.
On our site, you can learn Italian very quickly and for free. Just follow the lessons one by one. With a strong determination, learning Italian has never been easier!
Included in the Italian level I you will find Italian verbs, Italian adjectives, Italian vocabulary, Italian phrases and expressions, Italian pronouns, and Italian prepositions. Italian is easy to learn so take advantage of that! Have fun!
Level 1

Lesson one is the place to start and contains a lot of information on topics such as the present tense, plurals, articles, numbers in Italian, the alphabet plus much more.

Lesson two provides an introduction to the subject of Italian irregular verbs and Italian reflexive verbs. Learning these is vitally important for writing and speaking Italian correctly.

Lesson three deals with Italian past participles, comparatives, superlatives and demonstrative pronouns.

Lesson four covers the past tense in Italian, as well as other Italian verbs such as present perfect, interrogative, possessive and pronouns.

Lesson five looks at Italian prepositions, model verbs and using the future tense.

Module six covers Italian adjectives, negation, and correct use of the past perfect.

Lesson seven provides a great number of examples of the Italian gerund imperative, as well as a large table of adverbs in Italian.
Level 2

Lesson eight is all about grammer asscociated with the past. This lesson looks at using the past tense in Italian grammar, imperfetto, perfect and the remote past.

Lesson nine looks at the correct use of the conditional, as well as Italian idioms and proverbs.

Lesson ten offers more information on the subjunctive (an Italian verb mood), and states more Italian idioms, proverbs, and an essential Italian language dictionary.

Lesson eleven covers Italian conjunctions, the important Italian words Ci and Ne, and more useful Italian vocabulary.

Lesson twelve is all about providing practical information for a vacation or trip to Italy. It covers areas such as eating and drinking in Italy, as well as providing a list of more useful Italian words to know and learn.

Following on from the previos lesson, this one focuses on getting around in Italy using various forms of public and private transport; including trains, buses, cars and dealing with Italian traffic!

This final unit looks at English words that have been taken from the Italian language, but can also be misunderstood if actually used when speaking Italian.