Korean Adjectives
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Korean Adjectives
This page contains a table including the following: Korean Adjectives including colors, size, shapes, tastes, quantities... to help you with your Korean vocabulary and expressions. Try to memorize the way they're used because they're very important in communication, and might be very helpful to convey your most important expressions. Make sure to check our Learn Korean page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.
The following two tables contain important adjectives about colors, size, shapes, tastes, quantities in Korean as well as in English.
English | Korean Adjectives | Hangul Script |
Colors | ||
Black | comdjung sehk | 검정색 |
Blue | pah rahn sehk | 파란색 |
Brown | kal sehk | 갈색 |
Gray | hweh sehk | 회색 |
Green | nok sehk | 녹색 |
Orange | choohwang sehk | 주황색 |
Purple | pohrah sehk | 보라색 |
Red | pahlgahn sehk | 빨간색 |
White | hayahn sehk | 하얀색 |
Yellow | nohrahn sehk | 노란색 |
Sizes | ||
Big | koodaa | 크다. |
Deep | keehpdaa | 깊다. |
Long | kildaa | 길다. |
Narrow | chohpdaa | 좁다. |
Short (in height) | chahkdaa | 작다. |
Short (in length) | chalpdaa | 짧다. |
Small, little | chahkdaa | 작다. |
Tall | koodaa | 크다. |
Thick | gooltaa | 굵다. |
Thin | yaltaa | 얇다. |
Wide | nultaa | 넓다. |
Shapes | ||
Round | doonguldaa | 둥글다. |
Straight | gohtaa | 곧다. |
Square | sahgahkyung | 사각형 |
Triangular | sahmgahk | 삼각 |
The following table contains important Korean adjectives about directions that you might use when lost.
English | Korean | Hangul Adjectives |
Tastes | ||
Bitter | suedaa | 쓰다. |
Fresh | shinsunhadaa | 신선하다. |
Salty | chah daa | 짜다. |
Sour | shi daa | 시다. |
Spicy | map daa | 맵다. |
Sweet | dahl daa | 달다. |
Qualities | ||
Bad | nahpoodaa | 나쁘다. |
Clean | kehkootahdaa | 깨끗하다. |
Dark | uhdooptaa | 어둡다. |
Difficult | uhryuptaa | 어렵다. |
Dirty | duhruptah | 더럽다. |
Dry | gundjohadaa | 건조하다. |
Easy | shipdaa | 쉽다. |
Empty | pidaa | 비다. |
Expensive | pisahdaa | 비싸다. |
Fast | paroodaa | 빠르다. |
Foreign | wehgookui | 외국의 |
Full | chadaa | 차다. |
Good | chotaa | 좋다. |
Hard (firm) | tahn dahn hadaa | 단단하다. |
Heavy | mooguptaa | 무겁다. |
Inexpensive | sadaa | 싸다. |
Light (illumination) | chundeung | 전등 |
Light (weight) | kapyuptaa | 가볍다. |
Local | chiyuk | 지역 |
New | sehrohwoon | 새로운 |
Noisy | sihkooruhwoon | 시끄러운 |
Old (about things) | ohrehdwehdaa | 오래되다. |
Old (about people) | naheegah duldaa | 나이가 들다. |
Powerful | kanghadaa | 강하다. |
Quiet | choyonghadaa | 조용하다. |
Right / Correct | mahtsumnidaa | 맞습니다. |
Slow | chuhn chuhn hee | 천천히 |
Soft | poohdoorupdaa | 부드럽다. |
Very | ahdjoo | 아주 |
Weak | yahkadaa | 약하다. |
Wet | chuhtaa | 젖다. |
Wrong / Incorrect | tuleedaa | 틀리다. |
Young | chumtaa | 젊다. |
Quantities | ||
Few / Little | chokum | 조금 |
Many / Much | mahnee | 많이 |
Part | pooboon | 부분 |
Some / A few | chokumui | 조금의 |
Whole | chuncheh | 전체 |
I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Korean Adjectives, including colors, size, shapes, tastes, quantities... Try to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation. Make sure to check our Learn Korean page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.