Indonesian Vocabulary

Indonesian Vocabulary

This page contains the most commonly used vocabulary in English and Indonesian (Bahasa), there are more than 300 words. The table includes the following: Indonesian adjectives verbs, animals, body parts, objects food, people, and survival words that you might want to know when chatting. Most of the vocabulary is used for the everyday life conversations, so they might come handy if you memorize them. Make sure to check our Learn Indonesian page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.

English Indonesian English Indonesian
AnimalsBinatang Body PartsBagian tubuh
BearBeruang ArmLengan
BirdBurung BackBelakang
CatKucing ChestCatur
Cow Sapi EarTelinga
Dog Anjing EyeMata
FishIkan FaceWajah
Horse Kuda FingerJari
Monkey Monkey FingersJari
MouseMouse FootKaki
Pig Babi HairRambut
Sheep Domba HandTangan
AdjectivesAdjectives HeartHati
AngryMarah LegKaki
BadBuruk MouthMulut
BeautifulCantik NeckLeher
CheapMurah NoseHidung
CleanBersih ShoulderBahu
ColdDingin StomachPerut
DifferentBerbeda TeethGigi
DifficultSulit TongueLidah
EarlyDini ToothGigi
FriendlyRamah ObjectsBenda
GoodBaik BathroomKamar mandi
HeavyBerat BedRanjang
ImportantPenting BedroomKamar tidur
MarriedMenikah CeilingPlafon
NaturalAlam Chair Kursi
NiceBaik ClothesPakaian
OpenMembuka CoatLapisan
PolitePolite CupCup
PoorMiskin DeskGerai
RichKaya DressPakaian
SadSedih FloorLantai
SimpleSederhana ForkFork
SlowLambat FurnitureFurnitur
SmallKecil GlassKaca
SweetManis HatTopi
TallTinggi HouseRumah
WarmHangat InkTinta
WellBaik JacketJaket
WorseParah KitchenDapur
WorstTerburuk KnifePisau
WrongSalah LampLampu
Miscellaneous WordsKata-kata miscellaneous Map Peta
ArtSeni NewspaperKoran
BookBuku NotebookNotebook
DictionaryKamus PantsCelana
GeographyGeografi PaperKertas
HistorySejarah PenPena
MathMath PencilPensil
MusicMusik PharmacyFarmasi
ScienceSains PictureGambar
BankBank Plate Plate
BeachPantai RefrigeratorKulkas
By bicycleBersepeda RestaurantRestoran
By busBy bus RoofAtap
By carMobil RoomRuang
By trainKereta Rug Khatifah
CafeKafe Scissors Gunting
CountryNegara ShampooShampoo
DesertDesert ShirtKemeja
FlowersBunga ShoesSepatu
FootballSepakbola SoapSabun
ForestHutan SocksKaus kaki
GamePermainan Spoon Sendok
GardenTaman TableMeja
HouseRumah ToiletToilet
IslandPulau ToothbrushSikat gigi
LakeDanau ToothpastePasta gigi
LibraryPerpustakaan TowelHanduk
MountainGunung T-shirtT-shirt
MoviesFilm Umbrella Payung
OceanSamudra UnderwearUnderwear
OfficeKantor WallDinding
On footJalan kaki WalletDompet
PlayerPlayer Window Jendela
SeaLaut FoodMakanan
SoccerSepakbola AppleApel
SupermarketSupermarket ApricotAprikot
Swimming poolKolam renang BananaBanana
TheaterTeater BreadRoti
TreePohon BreakfastSarapan
Check BelowFor More WordsCheck Below For More Words
English Indonesian English Indonesian
VerbsVerbs CandyCandy
To arriveTiba CarrotWortel
To askUntuk meminta CheeseKeju
To beMenjadi ChickenAyam
To becomeMenjadi DessertDessert
To beginUntuk mulai DinnerMakan malam
To breakUntuk memutuskan FishIkan
To bringMembawa FoodMakanan
To buildUntuk membangun FruitBuah
To burnMembakar GrapesGrapes
To buyUntuk membeli Ice creamEs krim
To callUntuk memanggil LambDomba
To chooseUntuk memilih LemonLemon
To cleanUntuk membersihkan LunchMakan siang
To closeUntuk menutup MealMakan
To comeAkan datang MeatDaging
To cutUntuk memotong OnionBawang
To danceTo dance OrangeOranye
To doUntuk melakukannya PorkBabi
To dreamUntuk mimpi PotatoKentang
To drinkMinum SaladSalad
To eatMakan SaltGaram
To fallJatuh SandwichSandwich
To findUntuk mencari SausageSosis
To forgetUntuk lupa SoupSup
To getUntuk mendapatkan SugarGula
To goUntuk kembali SupperSupper
To hearMendengar TurkeyTurki
To helpUntuk membantu VegetablesSayuran
To kissUntuk kiss
To knowMengetahui PeopleOrang-orang
To laughTo laugh AuntBibi
To learnUntuk mempelajari BabyBayi
To likeUntuk seperti BrotherSaudara laki-laki
To liveTinggal CousinSepupu
To lookUntuk melihat DaughterAnak perempuan
To loveTo love Dentist Dokter gigi
To makeUntuk membuat Doctor Dokter
To meanBerarti FatherAyah
To meetUntuk memenuhi GranddaughterCucu perempuan
To needUntuk kebutuhan GrandfatherKakek
To openUntuk membuka GrandmotherNenek
To playUntuk memutar GrandsonCucu
To pushUntuk mendorong HusbandSuami
To readUntuk membaca MotherIbu
To rememberUntuk diingat NephewKeponakan
To returnUntuk kembali Niece Keponakan perempuan
To runUntuk menjalankan Nurse Perawat
To sayBerkata PolicemanPolisi
To seeUntuk melihat PostmanPos
To sellMenjual Professor Profesor
To sendUntuk mengirim Son Anak laki-laki
To sitDuduk Teacher Guru
To sleepTidur UnclePaman
To speakBerbicara Wife Istri
To takeUntuk mengambil
To talkTo talk
To teachMengajar
To tellKirim ke
To thinkBerpikir
To understandUntuk memahami
To waitMenunggu
To wantUntuk ingin
To workUntuk bekerja

I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Indonesian Vocabulary, Bahasa expressions and words. Make sure to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation.