Idioms son frases en ingles que incluyen palabras que no significan lo que usualmente significan. Con estas palabras juntas, la idea es totalmente diferente.
Cuando dices algo que significa otra cosa que las palabras que usaste.
to be broke – Significa que no alguien no tiene dinero.
Ejemplo: The girl wanted to go to the movies with her friends, but she was broke, so she couldn’t.
Speak of the devil! – Cuando estás hablando de alguien y entra esa persona (o te llama)
Mary and Jenny are at Starbucks.
Mary says, “I heard that Jim got a promotion today!”
Jenny says, “Wow, that’s great!”
Jim walks into Starbucks.
Mary says, “Speak of the devil! Hi Jim!!”
Jim says, “Hi ladies! So, you were talking about me?”
to take it with a grain of salt – “it” refiere a algo que dice una persona. Significa que no debes creer todo que dice una persona porque probablemente no es toda la verdad. También significa “tu interpretación”)
Rachel and Claire are talking.
Rachel says, “Stacey told me she is going to Florida all summer!”
Claire says, “Yeah, but take it with a grain of salt. She said that last year, too.”
Elephant in the room – Hay un elefante en la habitación cuando estás con otras personas y hay una idea de que todos saben pero se ponen incomodos de hablar sobre de eso. Nadie quiere hablar de eso.
Thomas just got fired from his job. He went out with his friends to a bar. Nobody was talking much. Gary said, “Ok, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Thomas, what happened at work???”
Kill two birds with one stone – Significa “completa dos tareas con un esfuerzo”.
I need to buy milk and new tires for my car. I can kill two birds with one stone if I go to Walmart!
Sort of (sorta)/kind of (kinda)- casi, similar a. También, es una manera más apropiado decir algo antipático.
Ryan asks, “Did you finish your homework?”
Jenny says, “Sort of…” (meaning she almost finished it)
Wayne said, “I cooked some broccoli for you, Betty!”
Betty said, “I kind of don’t like broccoli.”
Bill said, “Did you like that movie?”
Lauren said, “Kinda.”
To get on one’s nerves- molestar a alguien.
John gets on my nerves when he drums on his desk constantly!
I think I got on her nerves when I was asking too many questions.
To keep an eye out (for)- Buscar algo, enfocarte en encontrando algo, ser alerta
Keep an eye out for the criminals who robbed the bank.
I kept an eye out for a new, red Mercedes so I could buy it.
To get over it- superarlo.
I was very unhappy about losing my job, but I got over it.
Sarah said, “I wish I had a bigger tv.”
Tina said, “Get over it!”
To be on board (with) – Significa “decidir participar en un evento”.
I want to go to New York next weekend, but Jack is not on board with the idea.
Chris says, “Let’s drink all night long!”
Sue says, “I’m not on board with that.”
To get together (with) – Pasar tiempo con alguien.
Last night, I got together with my best friend from high school.
Jenny asked, “When are you getting together with Bob?”
Tim said, “Not until tomorrow afternoon.”
To pull it/that/this off – Tener éxito en algo dificil.
My brother didn’t think I could run the whole race, but I pulled it off.
Your homework is due in five minutes and you have to read 20 pages in your book. How are you going to pull that off?
To jump to conclusions – Asumir antes de saber.
Max’s boss called him into his office, and Max jumped to conclusions thinking that he was going to get fired.
Ryan says, “There is a girl sitting by herself at the bar. She’s probably single!”
Pam says, “Don’t jump to conclusions!”
To see – Decir que entiendes o que tienes razon.
Timothy said, “I think there are about 50 people in this room.”
Evan said, “I think there are 100. I’ll ask the waiter. Waiter, how many people are in this room?”
The waiter said, “About 50.”
Timothy said to Evan, “See?”
Do you see what I mean?
I don’t see how you think quitting your job is a good idea.
To freak out/flip out – Ser loco o emocionado.
Mary was flipping out on her birthday when she saw all of her presents.
Don’t freak out, but I have something bad to tell you.
To crack up or to crack (pronoun) up – Reir mucho.
The comedian cracked me up.
He was cracking up at the jokes he heard.
To stick to (possessive pronoun) guns – Creer en si mismo opiniones.
I always stick to my guns when talking about politics.
The president stuck to his guns during the presidential debate.
“Something came up” – Algo inesperado ocuró y no puedo completar la tarea que iba a hacer.
My friend invited me to her concert, but something came up and I couldn’t go.
Future: I have a meeting at 5:00, but I hope something comes up so I can skip it.
To mess around– Perder el tiempo.
“Stop messing around, kids! Do your homework!”
I never mess around at work because I don’t want to get in trouble.
“_____ is killing me!” or to kill me – Algo es muy dificil para ti o que algo te hace reir mucho.
This CPA exam is killing me! (referring to all the time you spent studying, etc.)
Scott is the funniest person in the office. He kills me.
To be able to tell – Es obvio.
I can tell you haven’t eaten today.
She wasn’t able to tell what the badly-written note said.
We can tell you won’t be coming with us to the concert.
Darn (or darn it), shoot, geez, dang (or dang it) – Son substitutos para malas palabras.
Dang it! I left my wallet at home!
Hurry up! We’re going to be late for the movie! Geez!
“Freaking” – Substituto para la mala palabra que empieza con “f” en ingles.
I went to the store last night and they didn’t’ have any freaking milk!
I saw a crazy guy on the street freaking running around yelling at people!
Input the letter from the Spanish word next to its matching English word.
- a) es obvio
- b) perder el tiempo
- c) reir mucho
- d) ser loco
- e) tener éxito en algo dificil
- f) molestar a alguien
- g) hablando de alguien y la persona entra
- h) no creer todo que dice una persona
- i) no tiene dinero
- j) hacer dos cosas al mismo tiempo
- k) casi, similar
- l) buscar algo
- m) superarlo
- n) decidir participar en un evento o grupo
- o) asumir antes de saber
- p) pasar tiempo con alguien
- q) creer en su propios opiniones
- r) decir que entiendes o tienes razón
- s) algo inesperado ocurrió
- t) substitutos para malas palabras
- u) algo es muy dificil para ti o que alguien te hace reir mucho
1. to be broke -
2. speak of the devil -
3. to take it with a grain of salt -
4. to pull it off -
5. kill two birds with one stone -
6. sort of/kind of -
7. to get on one.s nerves -
8. to keep an eye out for -
9. to get over it -
10. to be on board with -
11. to get together with -
12. to jump to conclusions -
13. to see -
14. to freak out/flip out -
15. to crack up -
16. to stick to your guns -
17. something came up -
18. to mess around -
19. _________ is killing me! -
20. To be able to tell -
21. Darn/freaking/dang -
1. = "i";2. = "g";
3. = "h";
4. = "e";
5. = "j";
6. = "k";
7. = "f";
8. = "l";
9. = "m";
10. = "n";
11. = "p";
12. = "o";
13. = "r";
14. = "d";
15. = "c";
16. = "q";
17. = "s";
18. = "b";
19. = "u";
20. = "a";
21. = "t";