Futuro Perfecto

Futuro Perfecto

En ingles, el futuro perfecto significa “el pasado del futuro”. Es un tiempo despues de ahora pero antes de una acción en el futuro. Imagine que usted va a ir al mercado a las 5:00. Ahora, son las 2:00. A las 4:00, va a comer algo. Si queremos usar el futuro perfecto en esta situación, diremos “Habrá terminado comer antes de ir al mercado.” You will have finished eating before going to the market.

Formula: subject + will have + participle ... + by

(A veces se usa “by” en oraciones con el futuro perfecto para indicar a que tiempo refiere el termino de la acción el futuro perfecto.)


I will have learned French by 2025. Habré aprendido francés en 2025.

She will have eaten her dinner by 6:00. Habrá comido la cena a las 6:00.

They will have gone to bed before you arrive home. Se habrán acostado antes de llegarás a la casa.

Recuerde que el futuro perfecto es “el pasado del futuro” y refiere a una acción que pasará despues de ahora y antes de una situación en el futuro.


Escriba los participios de los verbos abajo.

1. get

2. make

3. do

4. go

5. have

6. learn

7. write

8. listen

9. watch

10. meet

Complete las oracions con el futuro perfecto.

11. We (meet) his boyfriend before the party next week.

12. They (get) a new car before the baby arrives.

13. I (make) all the plans for the trip before we leave.

14. He (do) everything he can by the time his project finishes.

15. My friends (go) to that country three times by the time I can go one time!

16. I (have) four hours alone by the time they will arrive.

17. The students (learn) all the material before the test.

18. The doctor (write) the prescription for the patient before she goes to the pharmacy.

19. I (watch) all the movies in Spanish before I go on the trip.

20. The group of students (listen) to the professor talking for a long time before the class finishes.

1. = "gotten";
2. = "made";
3. = "done";
4. = "gone";
5. = "had";
6. = "learned";
7. = "written";
8. = "listened";
9. = "watched";
10. = "met";
11. = "will have met";
12. = "will have gotten";
13. = "will have made";
14. = "will have done";
15. = "will have gone";
16. = "will have had";
17. = "will have learned";
18. = "will have written";
19. = "will have watched";
20. = "will have listened";