Verb Tenses Exercises - Past Progressive

Verb Tenses Exercises

Past Progressive

Yesterday was a very normal day in my life. I 1. at my desk and my coworkers 2. to each other. We 3. our students’ papers because our students took many tests this week. While my coworkers and I 4. lunch, my boss 5. us about his recent vacation. Everybody 6. bored while we 7. to his story. After he left, my coworkers and I 8. about how boring his story was. We 9. the minutes until we could leave work because the day 10. slowly. I 11. a lot of coffee to keep myself awake yesterday. My students 12. a lot of questions and I 13. all of them. That took a long time. After I answered all the questions, I 14., “I wonder what time it is?” and it was finally time to go home!

1. = "was working";
2. = "were talking";
3. = "were grading";
4. = "were eating";
5. = "was telling";
6. = "was looking";
7. = "were listening";
8. = "were laughing";
9. = "were counting";
10. = "was moving";
11. = "was drinking";
12. = "were asking";
13. = "was answering";
14. = "was thinking";