Audio Samples and Questions - Emergency

Audio Samples and Questions


A: 911.

B: Help. I need some help!

A: Yes sir. Can you tell me what is happening?

B: I'm at the university and a student of mine is . . . is going into labor right at this very moment.

A: Yes sir. Can you tell me exactly where you are?

B: On the . . . on the . . . I'm sorry, I'm a nervous wreck right now. We're on the second floor of Cutler Hall, room 211.

A: I understand, sir. May I have your name and the student's name?

B: Her name is . . . uh . . . Anita Rivera. And my name's Lawrence Clark. I'm a professor here at the university

A: Okay, who is there with you?

B: Um, Anita and two other students. They're watching her while I call. What do you think; should we drive her to the hospital?

A: No, an ambulance is already on its way. It should be there very soon.

B: Uh, what should we do while we wait for it to come?

A: Just keep her calm and warm.

B: Okay, we'll do that. Thank you.


1.) What is the problem?
a) there was a robbery
b) there is too much labor
c) a girl is having a baby

2.) Where are the people with the emergency?
a) at a bank
b) at a university
c) at a park

3.) What should the people do while they wait for an ambulance?
a) calm her down and keep her warm
b) give her water and make her sleep
c) talk to her and walk with her

4. Who does the man talk to on the phone?
A A professor
B A university student
C An ambulance driver
D An emergency operator

5. Apart from Anita, how many other people are there with the man?
A 2
B 3
C 4
D 5

6. What does the woman tell the man to do?
A To go into labor
B To drive to the hospital
C To keep the student cool
D To wait for the ambulance

1. = "C";
2. = "C";
3. = "A";
4. = "D";
5. = "A";
6. = "D";